Zhipan Liu got Ph.D in 2003 from Queens Univ Belfast under the supervision of Prof. Peijun Hu, and then did PostDoc with Professor David King in University of Cambridge. He returned to China in 2005 and has been a full professor in the Department of Chemistry, Fudan University since then. He has published more than 250 research papers with H-index 76. He was appointed as Executive Editor for J. Phys. Chem. A/B/C since 2017. Zhipan Liu’s research focuses on the reactivity prediction of chemical systems for energy storage and conversion. His group developed the first machine-learning global optimization program, LASP (large-scale atomic simulation program with neural network potential) starting from 2018, which incorporates a series of theoretical methods developed in the group, including the stochastic surface walking global optimization (SSW) method and global neural network (G-NN) method. LASP is now utilized by thousands of researchers worldwide for large-scale atomic simulations.
Dr. Runhai Ouyang (DCTMD2024@163.com)